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How can I prevent blisters?

Here are our top tips for blister prevention-

  1. Shoe Fitting and Lacing

Good fitting shoes are the first step for blister prevention consideration. Lacing allows you to optimise shoe fit at all times.

  1. Socks!!

Moisture-wicking socks aim to minimise friction where the skin and sock meet. Wearing double-socks means you've introduced a sock-on-sock interface that helps keeps friction at its lowest.

  1. Blister Plasters

These are a great addition to your blister prevention kit. Plasters like Compeed are great for prevention but need to be applied to the skin BEFORE the blister has formed. If there is an area of your foot that is beginning to feel like it's rubbing, get the Compeed on straight away.

  1. Insoles

Podiatrists have an advanced understanding of biomechanics and can help with redistributing pressure and reliving friction if you have ongoing problems with blisters. Orthotics/insoles are a great tool to help us do this.

Louise and team x


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